James Broughton
(1913-1999) was truly one of a kind. A Dionysian genius who left his creative and idiosyncratic mark on experimental film, on poetry, on San Francisco, and on all those who knew, loved, frolicked with, and learned from him.

James was brilliant at following his own muse wherever it led him. From writing poems and plays to making films, James explored sexuality and spirituality, broke cinematic barriers, and followed his whimsy wholeheartedly. He let his authentic spirit lead him wherever it would, and on his way he touched many people.

Whether you knew James well or have just come to know about him through a poem, a film, or maybe even a "Follow Your Own Weird" bumper sticker, this is a section for you to share your stories of how James and his work have touched your life.

For more about James Broughton's life, work, and the Big Joy documentary now being filmed, please visit us at bigjoy.org.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Bliss of With

We know James through his amazing body of work, Stephen's stories, and working with the Big Joy Creative Team. It's delightful to learn more about James and his influence on so many, watch some of his films, and read his poems. We had no idea he was so prolific -- and so disciplined in his art.

Many years ago we first encountered "This Is It" on Stephen's wall. We liked it, but didn't appreciate its Zen brilliance until much later. Read it aloud and see what we mean.

"Adventure, not Predicament" has become more than a saying at our house -- it's a way to remember to reframe our drama trauma as a daring adventure when things get tough or tacky.

"Follow Your Own Weird" adorns the rear bumper of our vintage Toyota and brings a smile whenever we head out. We hope it also brings a small burst of cosmic fun to those on the road behind us.

Recently we heard the first part of "The Bliss of With," one of James' poems from Packing Up for Paradise, and fell in love with it. He's captured the essential joy and deep acceptance of our almost 35 year marriage in these few lines.

The Bliss of With

You have come to me out of the antiquities
We have loved one another for generations
We have loved one another for centuries

You teach me to trust the voice of my voices
You teach me to believe my own believings
You touch the palpability of my possibles

Together we reflect what our mirrors conceal
Together we upgrade the sun in our meridians
We remain open night and day to transcendence

You are incompletely disguised as a mortal
You are the eternal stranger I have always known
I saw your wings this morning     I saw your wings