James Broughton
(1913-1999) was truly one of a kind. A Dionysian genius who left his creative and idiosyncratic mark on experimental film, on poetry, on San Francisco, and on all those who knew, loved, frolicked with, and learned from him.

James was brilliant at following his own muse wherever it led him. From writing poems and plays to making films, James explored sexuality and spirituality, broke cinematic barriers, and followed his whimsy wholeheartedly. He let his authentic spirit lead him wherever it would, and on his way he touched many people.

Whether you knew James well or have just come to know about him through a poem, a film, or maybe even a "Follow Your Own Weird" bumper sticker, this is a section for you to share your stories of how James and his work have touched your life.

For more about James Broughton's life, work, and the Big Joy documentary now being filmed, please visit us at bigjoy.org.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Birthday poetry

When I got up this morning, a bald eagle swooped by and perched in the tree I can see from my bed... He's still there!


Unearth your roots

Shake ‘em at the sky

Uphold your traditions

Hold up your radical

Hold down your fort

Breathe easily, not queasily


Find and mine what’s obvious

By opening your eyes wider

Wide enough to take in

What you thought was forever outlawed

Wide enough to put out

A part of you you forgot


Love more

Love your weird self

Love what’s aching to come out

Love what struggles to get in

Unbind your weariness

And offer it to the sunrise

Express your weird self but

Keep it simple

Don’t be afraid to ask

And unlearn whatever’s holding you back

-- Stephen Silha, April 9, 2010 (my 60th birthday)


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